March 01, 2010

It's March Now

Another quick note from the not so frozen north.

We're getting rain this week, suggesting that mudseason may, if only temporarily, be fast approaching. Chinese new years was fun. We had a gaggle of people over for dumpling making and telephone pictionary, and, I think, a good time was had by all. We sent out a Chinese Newyears update (not much news, i guess) -- if you didn't make it on the list, check it out HERE, then send me an email and asking to be put on the list. I'm sure we're both very sorry.

I've been doing more work for The Scope, you can see recent articles HERE and HERE, and it seems like that will probably keep happening.

Emily got a beautiful blue french oven recently, so we've been using at every chance we get. The food that comes out of it is delicious, as a rule, which makes it fun to cook with.

The Little Red Cup Tea Co might be bringing product to market sooner than we might have though, so keep your ears open for that.

Until later then,


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