July 08, 2008

Just sort of living...

Since my last post, gosh, almost a week ago, I haven't been doing too much. I landed a podcasting job (pro bono for the time being), and have been doing a little other work, mostly making big plans that may or may not come to fruition. But I'm trying. And Kyle is here.

We went out to bars for the weekend. A student bar for the 4th, where everyone was chanting, U-S-A, and drinking bud heavy. It was a good time. Saturday night we went to a new bar in search of free food and drink, and then to an older one for free rock. Not a bad night all things considered. I hope I never chant USA. I mean, the brazilians chant ole, the Chinese yell Jia You (yo) which might mean "add gas" but really means, "come'on guys, lets win this thing." All the US has is stupid initials.

We also went to the Summer Palace, which was pretty, as usual, and full of tourists (both national and international). Tonight we saw Hancock, which was a bit silly but pretty fun, in a huge theater, and then I went and sat in the park and pretended to be a reporter.

Some people shied away, but one man, a drunk construction worker was very keen to talk to me, to complain about how he'd been working for a month and hadn't gotten paid. If they don't pay in the next couple days I might get invited to come down to the worksite and take a look. We'll see if it actually happens. I spent an enjoyable twenty minutes listening to revolutionary songs sung by a group of 30 or so aging communists. It's refreshing to hear, and even a little anachronistic. I think I'll go back and keep hanging out with them. But that's it. It hasn't been crazy, but it's been good. If you write me emails, I'll write back.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

yeah, the US has a lot of work to do to catch up with the rest of the world in the area of drunk chants. if you go to world cup games for some other countries they have whole long chants they shout out that basically say 'we're drunk and at a football game, go our country!'. they sound a little better than that though..